Schools, hospitals, doctor/dentist offices, movie theaters: Just a small list of public places bed bugs can be found most. Because of how great bed bugs are at hitchhiking, there are a few tips that can help make sure bed bugs don’t make it into your structure.

Products That Can Help

91% grade rubbing alcohol. This is a direct kill to bed bugs. Let me note, this product is only effective when wet. That means, if you think you will protect your couch from bed bugs by spraying the whole couch with this rubbing alcohol… well, the moment it dries, a bed bug can walk all over your couch with no issues.

Steri-Fab. Same concept of the rubbing alcohol. It is only effective when wet. You can spray this product inside your purse, backpacks, shoes, toys and such to kill off any live hitchhikers.

Safety Measures

  • If you have a child in school or if you are going to be in public places where bugs can be found most, the moment you get home, you need to change clothes immediately and put them into the washer/dryer. No, do not travel throughout your home.
  • Book bags, purses, briefcases, message bags, luggage, and such. Carefully take out books/papers out. Check books/papers thoroughly. Throw bag in dryer for a minimum of 45 minutes on high. If you do not have a dryer or the material does not allow fabric to be placed in dryer, get 91% grade rubbing alcohol or steri-fab, place in a spray bottle, and spray inside and outside of bag.
  • Shoes. Take off the moment you get home and do not travel throughout your home. Spray with that 91% grade rubbing alcohol or steri-fab.